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Frequently Asked Questions

For What ages are the classes?

It is from 4 years old to any age depending on the ability of every individual. We can say 4+.

What does the modeling school guarantee you?

By the end of a given amount of classes or workshop you will get porfolio pictures with a good photographer, a good catwalk with some posing skills. Attending this class regularly can also give you the opportunity to model for some brands, but doesn't guarantee that. It all depends on your potential and consistency.

If I'm short, will I benefit from anything in modeling classes?

Yes, face modeling or e-commerce shots do not require being tall.

What's the payment plan?

We have 1 time passes and monthly membership.

Is modeling also for guys?

Yes, absolutely!

What classes are for adults and what for kids?

Modeling, Pilates, Hatha yoga, Acro yoga, Flamenco, Latin and Hip hop are for adults.

Gymnastics, Ballet, Street jazz, Break dance, Art, Acting and modeling are for kids for now.

Contact Us

Phone: +961 76762624

Address: El Qalaa Street, Caracas, Beirut, Lebanon